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Pantyhose Forum > General Information > Read This First !!!
No prohibited/copyrighted contents or passwords sharing allowed at our forum.

Forum administration not responsible for any member posts! Just try to keep forum clean!

The basic strategy of this forum - community.

We've no rights and an opportunity to limit users in their rights.

They're free for communicate, information, movement and free thinking - as long as it is not offensive to other members.

We want to remind all interested persons, that we do take money on a voluntary basis, but it is only to support the Forum for hosting costs.

Any donations are only for hosting cost, and not for profit. Thus we reserve the right to ourselves to declare any rules of this forum.

Any undertakings have voluntary character.

Webmasters should post their advertising updates only at special "Webmasters area" forum.

Read this rules too:

Enjoy your stay, and observe the rules.

With the Best Regards, PHF Team.
read and understood, sir smile.gif
Billyb and all thx for the great job all of you have done. This place is the best place on the web thanks to all of your hard work. Thanks Again
okay read ,and i agree rolleyes.gif
Does hidden cam videos are authorized in this forum?

QUOTE(CRIC13 @ Dec 24 2005, 11:55 AM)
Does hidden cam videos are authorized in this forum?

"No prohibited/copyrighted contents or passwords sharing allowed at our forum.

If you respect this above! it's allowed.

thx for rules
smile.gif i understand and will adhear to the rules smile.gif
QUOTE(sarahwhite @ Jan 24 2009, 12:17 PM) *

A first class forum smile.gif

If you have a '0" (zero) posts count, then you need to Introduce yourself first
to collect your first post at the "Introduce yourself" forum at:
to access all other forums here.

only valued introduction posts accepted!
That's OK. i agree
Underst& laugh.gif
i do agree
Ok Nylonleg i would not even think about doing such a thing!!
thanks wink.gif
QUOTE(BillyB @ Aug 14 2003, 09:25 PM) *

No prohibited/copyrighted contents or passwords sharing allowed at our forum.

Forum administration not responsible for any member posts! Just try to keep forum clean!

The basic strategy of this forum - community.

We've no rights and an opportunity to limit users in their rights.

They're free for communicate, information, movement and free thinking - as long as it is not offensive to other members.

We want to remind all interested persons, that we do take money on a voluntary basis, but it is only to support the Forum for hosting costs.

Any donations are only for hosting cost, and not for profit. Thus we reserve the right to ourselves to declare any rules of this forum.

Any undertakings have voluntary character.

Webmasters should post their advertising updates only at special "Webmasters area" forum.

Read this rules too:

Enjoy your stay, and observe the rules.

With the Best Regards, PHF Team.

Understood, thanks!
red and understood.

It's a deal, I agree
I agree
yes sir!
Thank you I understand it
Ok thanks
sounds good to me!
Allright, all is well!
I have read this and understood!
QUOTE(BillyB @ Aug 14 2003, 10:25 PM) *

No prohibited/copyrighted contents or passwords sharing allowed at our forum.

Forum administration not responsible for any member posts! Just try to keep forum clean!

The basic strategy of this forum - community.

We've no rights and an opportunity to limit users in their rights.

They're free for communicate, information, movement and free thinking - as long as it is not offensive to other members.

We want to remind all interested persons, that we do take money on a voluntary basis, but it is only to support the Forum for hosting costs.

Any donations are only for hosting cost, and not for profit. Thus we reserve the right to ourselves to declare any rules of this forum.

Any undertakings have voluntary character.

Webmasters should post their advertising updates only at special "Webmasters area" forum.

Read this rules too:

Enjoy your stay, and observe the rules.

With the Best Regards, PHF Team.

Got it thank you

My name is Marcin and my nickname is Ikcawon. I am an owner of nylon foot related websites:

I can see a lot of my websites' member stuff here. smile.gif
Of course it sounds nice because you seem to be a fan of my content. smile.gif

May I ask you a favour ? Could you please stop sharing my copyrighted material on pantyhose forums ?
It is just a kind suggestion. Not a demand or pressing you any way.
Do you realize you may cause me a real troubles with my models?

This may end up in closing my websites and terminating my business.
Do you really want it?

I have agreements with my models and I promise to post their pictures on the websites that are not accessible from Polish IP addresses. When you post their pictures here on PHforum then the pictures are accessible for everyone. This is a big problem because some of them are teachers or medicine doctors etc. and they would be in trouble when somone from Poland find their pictures. I suppose you know a story - a one flight attendant lost her job because she had a shooting in pantyhose on board. Then her photos were shared on internet forums and her principals found the photos and she was fired.
I hope you think the same way: We want to have fun but we never want to hurt models.
Safety first. Don't you think so?

I wrote some messages to moderators asking to add my websites to "prohibited websites" list.
I am still waiting for response.

I allow Mr nobodyinteresting to post a few of my photos here. I just proposed him a deal.
He is the only one person here (but me) who is allowed to post my content at this forum
after contacting me first.
Please respect my copyrights and my decision.

Kind regards,

QUOTE(BillyB @ Aug 15 2003, 03:25 AM) *

No prohibited/copyrighted contents or passwords sharing allowed at our forum.

Forum administration not responsible for any member posts! Just try to keep forum clean!

The basic strategy of this forum - community.

We've no rights and an opportunity to limit users in their rights.

They're free for communicate, information, movement and free thinking - as long as it is not offensive to other members.

We want to remind all interested persons, that we do take money on a voluntary basis, but it is only to support the Forum for hosting costs.

Any donations are only for hosting cost, and not for profit. Thus we reserve the right to ourselves to declare any rules of this forum.

Any undertakings have voluntary character.

Webmasters should post their advertising updates only at special "Webmasters area" forum.

Read this rules too:

Enjoy your stay, and observe the rules.

With the Best Regards, PHF Team.

Read and understood o7

I understand and will follow the rules
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